
12-Budget plan stage allocation – Part 2 - Aggregation

Budget plan stage allocation – Part 2 - Aggregation In general, The Budget Configuration is mainly between three forms. Budget Workflow, Budget planning Configuration and Budget process Configuration.  We should prepare everything in the First two and finally link them all in the third form. In the Workflow form, we just tell the system that in this specific Spot, you should run an "Auto task". Yet, "Task" Should look back at the Budget planning configuration Form. Allocation Task specifically look to Allocation Schedules and Stage allocations In Budget planning Configuration Form. Note that the allocation is attached to a specific Stage . That is why we have to align the "transition" task with the "allocation" task. We may speak to the system that he should make an allocation at the aggregation Stage. However, in the workflow, the task is not there, or it came before or after the Transition to that specific stage. Step #1 we nee...

11- Budget plan stage allocation - Part 1 - Distribution

Budget plan stage allocation If you completed the last tutorial, you would notice that the input forms just come empty. The Activation Task Just create a new Budget Plan for each user that is all. However, if we need to push data between users, this is the work of the Third Task, “Allocation“ Remember the “Scenario and Column Tutorial”. We have learnt that the Scenario is like the main account when Columns are like sub Accounts used for Filter the values entered by users. I use Columns to classify and to collect data the right way. The ultimate values will accumulate in the Scenario. Therefore, when I move values from Stage to stage and from user to user, we should use scenarios.  Are you ready for the third knight? Are you ready for The Good, Bad and finally the Ugly ? I will take the basic defination from Microsoft official docs , because it is just perfect,

10- Wrap Up Example #2

here we are going to play around with the Activation Task , Scenario 1 ; We added the Automatic Task Right after the Start Button. It will be activated before the first transition to the second Stage.  Go to the Budget plans and create new plan. Once Submitted, you will find two plans has been automatically created and Assigned to the department users as per the workflow Check in Workflow history to know when the auto task created Scenario #2 Now, assume you want to review the Baseline first before you create the Sub plans. This means that you want to create the Sun plans after the first transition and before the second transition. you can decide when to create the Sub plan by placing the Activation task wherever you want. Step #1 Add the Activation task before the second transition.   Step #2 Create a new Budget plan, Then Submit. Step #2 Check history, No sub plans created yet,  Step #4 Workflow will go ...

09- Activate Associated Budget Plan

Activate Associated Budget Plan You got Lucky; you work now for a big environment with multiple responsibility centers and many managerial levels and as well spread across multiple regions. The budget final approval happens in the Main quarter. However, departments should specify they estimates. Its bottom-top Budget process. You cannot just include all workflows all in one workflow. They actually flow in parallel this is one thing and each department has his own Budget Input forms, his own Account structures and His Internal Cycle and Internal Approval process. we build a separate Workflow for each level. Finally, link Sub workflows to the main workflow “somehow”!  remember when we differentiate between the workflow and the Hierarchy.   Let us assume "small" example,  One Company with flat Organizational Structure, Just Top-level management of two people and “one meter long” of Sub self-contained departments. Each Department should decide on his expenses withi...

08- Stage Transition Budget Plan

Stage Transition Budget Plan  let's resolve the Workflow Form, taking the First Auto task and play with a bit.  we know that  When you use “the Stage Transition Budget Plan Automated Tasks” it automatically look back to these two Configuration form,  Stages  and  Workflow Stages .  From Workflow stages tab link the workflow with the Specific Stages. Note Here, we cannot assign any workflow to any stages. Stages should make sense in the context of the workflow. One transition Task is make the transition from stage to stage. in the System workflow Number 154 we have two stages. How many transitions we need here ? Yes, you were Right. One transition Action Item take you from the first to the second. Let us play this game again. System link the workflow 153 to 3 Stages. How many you transitions you expect here. Yes, you right again. you should Build Configuration form for Microsoft. One last time because I li...